Gentle stretches and deep relaxation. Our bodies and minds relax deeply.
Erfrischende Yoga-Entspannung
In der Mittagspause entspannt euch Fräulein Yogini mit unterschiedlichen Yogatechniken: Mal ein bisschen Pranayama, Yin Yoga, mal ein bisschen Restorative oder Yoga Nidra. Dann seid ihr den Rest des Tages glücklich entspannt und behaltet auch bei hohen Temperaturen eure Coolness.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is the most gentle form of yoga and suitable for every age. Bolsters, blankets and blocks are used to softly help us open up and relax on the mat. In a nourishing, warm atmosphere, restorative yoga leads to
Sanftes Flow Yoga

Flow Yoga The movements are connected to our breath. We flow from asana to asana. If you practise these dynamic yoga forms on a regular basis, you will feel a meditative flow.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga / Flow Yoga The movements are connected to our breath. We flow from asana to asana. If you practise these dynamic yoga forms on a regular basis, you will feel a meditative flow. Vinyasa yoga can be physically
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a traditional yogic relaxation technique. It lets us sink into a state between being asleep and awake. It releases stress and calms our nerves. Our subconscious can recover and we gain self-awareness and inspiration.
Yoga Nidra / Meditation
Tiefenentspannung im Grenzbereich zwischen Wachsein und Schlaf während der Mittagspause. Stress und Nervosität werden abgebaut, unsere verborgenen Kräfte dringen in unser Bewusstsein und schenken uns Selbsterkenntnis und Inspiration.
Yoga for Lunch
Die perfekte Art, sich mittags zu dehnen, entspannen und wieder fit zu machen für den Rest des Tages. Yoga for Lunch dauert praktische 45 Min, damit du rechtzeitig wieder an den Schreibtisch kommst.
Yin Yoga
We hold asanas in passive stretches for 2-5 minutes in sitting or lying postures. The more we let go, the better not only our muscles but also our fasciae and connective tissues can stretch. Yin Yoga can also help activate
Fräulein Yogini‘s meditation classes range from traditional Indian or Tibetan meditation techniques to its more westernized variations – sometimes sitting, sometimes lying down, sometimes moving. Everyone benefits from meditation. No matter how old or fit you are – for yogi*nis